Who We Are

duncan smith

Pastor Duncan Smith

Illinois Director

Pastor Smith is the pastor of the Park Meadows Baptist Church in Lincoln, Illinois. The Lord has placed the need for Christians in Illinois to be intimately involved in their local and state government deeply upon the heart of Pastor Smith. This has led to the forming of Illinois Baptist for Biblical Values. It’s our goal to inform, equip, and encourage local pastors in the state of Illinois to mobilize and vocalize biblical values to our State legislators. This can be boiled down to a few emphases:

1. Develop relationships with our legislators by maintaining a weekly presence at the State Capital.

2. Encourage legislators with biblical values to continue to stand for truth.
3. Establish a regular Gospel witness for all legislators.
4. Maintain awareness of any legislation supporting or opposing a Biblical Worldview.

We would be honored if you joined us in our efforts by signing up to receive our regular alerts and updates by filling out the contact form on the home page.

In His Service,

Pastor Smith